Database Storage (1)
The DBMS assumes that the primary storage location of the database is on non-volatile disk.
Storage Hierarchy
Volatile Random access byte-addressable
- CPU Registers
- CPU Caches
Non-Volatile Sequential access block-addressable
- Network Storage
Memory Mapped I/O Problems
OS can flush dirty pages at any time
DBMS doesn't know which pages are in memory. The OS will stall a thread on page fault.
Difficult to validate pages. Any access can cause a SIGBUS that the DBMS must handle.
OS data structure contention. TLB shootdowns.
File Storage
DBMS stores a database as one or more files on disk typically in a proprietary,, format.
Storage Manager
Responsible for maintaining a database's files.
Some do their own scheduling for reads and writes to improve spatial and temporal locality of pages.
Organizes the files as a collection of pages.
Tracks data read/written to pages.
Tracks the available space.
Database Pages
A page is a fixed-size block of data.
Each page is given a unique identifier.
Three different notions of
"pages" in a DBMS:
- Hardware Page (usually 4KB)
- OS Page (usually 4KB)
- Database Page (512B-16KB)
Storage Architecture
- Heap File Organization
- Tree File Organization
- Sequential / Sorted File Organization (ISAM)
- Hashing File Organization
Heap FIle
A heap file is an unordered collection of pages with tuples that are stored in random order.
- Create / Get / Write / Delete Page
- Must also support iterating over all pages.
Page Directory
The DBMS maintains special pages that tracks the location of data pages in the database files, which are called directory pages. DBMS must make sure that the directory pages are in sync with the data pages.
The directory also records meta-data about available space:
- The number of free slots per page.
- List of free / empty pages.
Page Layout
Page Header
- Page Size
- Checksum
- DBMS Version (The DBMS version when the page created)
- Transaction Visibility
- Compression Information
Some systems require pages to be self-contained (e.g., Oracle).
Data Organizing
Two approaches:
- Tuple-oriented ← This Class
- Log-structured ← Next Class
Tuple Storage
How to store tuples in a page?
Strawman Idea: Keep track of the number of tuples in a page and then just append a new tuple to the end.
This is a bad idea:
- What happens if we delete a tuple?
- What happens if we have a variable-length attribute?
Slotted Pages
使用占用空间相同(可以以常数时间复杂度索引)的 slot 存储实际存储数据的 tuple 的位置(字节偏移量)。
Record IDs
每个 tuple 都会被分配一个独特的 record identifier,DBSM 以此区分 tuple
- 常见的 ID: page_id + offset / slot
- Can also contain file location info
Tuple Layout
A tuple is essentially a sequence of bytes.
It's the job of the DBMS to interpret those bytes into attribute types and values.
Tuple Header
Where contains meta-data about the tuple
- Visibility info (concurrency control)
- Bit Map for NULL values.
Header 中无需存储 tuple 中所使用的字段。
We do not need to store meta-data about the schema.
Tuple Data
通过将多张有关联的表的 tuple 存在同一 page 上以提升 I/O 性能